Unique Curated Gift Boxes



ready-to-ship boxes


We have thoughtfully curated ready-to-ship gift boxes that can serve as birthday, date night, get well, girl’s night, sympathy, hostess gifts and more. Interested in creating something custom? Fill out our questionnaire to get started!


Cicada 001 Monsoon 9 oz candle

Cicada 001 Monsoon 9 oz candle


Memory No. 001

The scent of wet earth. the winds shift and the land is heavy in the air. mud puddles. thunder. the crack of lightening. raindrops dripping from the palo verde. the woody branches of the mesquite. sweetbush underfoot. the monsoon has a way of making everything new again. 

NOTES- earth + honey + citrus + creosote bush (Larrea tridentata) + sandalwood + cedar

Only 3 available
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3D6F7279-D862-4F6E-A5C1-752F77FC90EC 9BA99EF2-A0A5-4746-9B4D-BB4A6E06B36A

Cicada Goods Travel Candle 005

2F00F029-DFE4-4A3A-9130-BF15732E1BD0 C1DFE0DA-099B-4537-9837-A817FEB851A5

Light + Bark Tree Farm 10 oz Frosted Glass Candle

2A5DE60A-EE94-4CD2-8DBF-985C671B4C1E E997D449-2BD1-46E8-A294-6920D72710F8

Light + Bark Holiday Hearth 10 oz Frosted Glass Candle


Cozy Vibe Candle- 9 oz gold jar


Light + Bark Winter Bakeshop Travel Candle Tin
